Monday, 4 November 2013

Plastic: Disposable Product, Permanent Pollution

We engage in non-stop buying, non-stop throwing, but we do not realize our health and environment have been greatly damaged during the process.
--- <The Story of Stuff >
Bad habit of “Dispose After Use”
It has become a natural habit for people to dispose stuffs. However, you may not know that people were not used to dispose stuff in the past. After World War II, merchants started to encourage the use of disposable items in order to promote their plastic products... As of today, almost 50% of plastic raw material is being used to produce disposable products.
Countless of plastic products are being produced and disposed every day. The 'light-weight, strong and durable' features of plastic have caused it to be a disaster after disposed.
Creature Killer
Plastic waste has caused at least 267 types of living creatures injured or dead; Plastic waste has become the main cause of death for about 1,000,000 seabirds and 100,00 sea creatures every year. Albatross for example, approximately 200,000 out of 500,000 Albatross chicks die each year due to their mother bird mistakenly picking plastic waste as food to feed them. Young birds die from starvation because they couldn't consume any food or water with their stomach filled with plastic waste; Some birds swallow the plastic wastes that perforates their stomach or blocks their esophagus, leading to inability to consume food......
Plastic Soup
Ocean is the blue heart of our earth, it is also an important marine habitat. Estimated 725,700,000 kg of plastic items are being dumped into ocean every year! Day after day, the ocean has become a big pot of “Plastic Soup”. Researcher from Japan discovered that particles of plastic will act as a sponge for other toxins such as PCB and BPA in ocean. Plastic waste is consumed by fish and many of these fish will be consumed by humans. Is plastic waste in the ocean eventually coming back to us by entering the food chain? ​
Health Hazards
Many plastic products contain hazardous chemical addictives such as plasticizing agent, filler, dyes, lubricant and many others. High temperatures can cause addictives to leach out of the plastic. DEHP is the commonly use plasticizing agent. Research indicates that DEHP often links to the following illnesses: Tumor, cancer, infertility, hormone disorders, male feminization and genital anomalies.
Cause Flood
In Kota Kinabalu, for example, the usage of plastic products per day has reached 150 tons, which 1/3 is from plastic bags and polystyrene food containers. These plastic waste clog drains, create breeding grounds for mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies and rats; they also cause flood to happen in cities and suburban areas. Environment protection agency has installed several garbage nets in local rivers to collect garbage floating on the rivers. Each garbage net costs RM120,000.
Excessive Waste
Most of the plastic waste will go to landfills, rivers and oceans; we found evidence of “wastages” and “pollution” everywhere from bustling cities to remote villages. In 2012, the first, second and third landfill of Bekenu in East Malaysia were saturated, while the fourth landfill under construction costs around RM 24,000,000. Malaysia government proposed several incinerators to process garbage, are we willing to bear a more polluted air quality?
Consumer Awareness
However, the guilty ones is not plastic, but the human who “use and dispose”.
“Cheap” plastic products brings 'heavy price' of damage to health and ecosystem.
“Convenient” plastic products bring “inconvenient” consequences to health and ecosystem.
Plastic derived from petroleum. We turn this million years old natural resources into something we use for only a few minutes, then we dispose these non-biodegradable waste back to earth. A responsible consumer will consider the cost and consequences of using and disposing these products.
Learn to Reuse
Let us review those “convenient products” which are commonly used in life, but are actually harming the earth during the process of manufacturing and using, are they necessities?
--- Li Wei-Wen (The Society of Wilderness,Taiwan)
Bring Your Own Bottle – A Must
I wish I could put it mildly, but I have no choice but to say it frankly: “No more bottled water, please.”
Banning the sales of bottled water has become a growing trend globally; Many environmental organizations and cities have joined in. Few years ago, the mayors of New York City, San Francisco and Salt Lake City have jointly declared their stand on “Boycott the Bottled Water”; More than 100 cities voted to ban bottled water; Over 90 universities have already or proposed to ban the sales of bottled water on campus.
Most of the bottled water companies are unwilling to disclose their sources of bottled water, treatment process and purity level of water. Labels of bottled water are often printed with “Nature” name or logo, attempting to confuse consumers that their water source is pure spring water. In fact, the source of nearly half of the brands are just faucet water, but consumers have to pay 2000 times of the price of their house's faucet water in order to purchase the bottled water.
It was found that many of the bottled waters are no better than tap water in terms of sanitation; Some even contains 38 types of pollutants or bacteria and 8 types of chemical substances. Bottled waters are usually stored for some times, and the bottles are exposed to heat during delivery, therefore heavy metals, chemical toxins, carcinogens (antimony, phthalates, plasticizers, estrogen, nitrite…...) will be released into the water and then into the body of drinkers.
Scientists from the Pacific Institute had estimated that 50 million barrels of petroleum have been used globally to produce plastic bottles of the bottled water every year (the energy and water being consumed during the process of manufacturing, delivery and sales are not included yet).
The “Corporate Accountability International” considers bottled water as a product of ‘corporate abuse’, which drive public water resources into private hands. Some bottled water manufacturers extract underground water from others’ lands, bottle it and sell to ignorant consumers. Consequences of profitability come with depleted underground water source, damaged rivers and lakes, ecosystem, agriculture……
* Tips for everyone
Buy either a stainless steel, ceramic, glass or type-5 plastic water bottle; Fill it with filtered faucet water and bring it wherever you go. Avoid drinking bottled water where the faucet water is available.
* Note
The commonly used large bottled water dispenser in office is also considered to be the bottled water, which can be replaced with drinking fountain that connected to the faucet water.
Bring Your Own Cutlery – Why Not?
There are 2 types of polystyrene cutlery: Foam Type (Disposable plate/cup, take-away food container) , Solid Type (Disposable spoon/fork, coffee cup lid, yogurt and margarine container). Styrenefrom polystyrene is a carcinogen that causes genetic disease, affects the reproductive system, destruction on fetal growth...... Styrene will be leaching into food when under heat, or contacted with oily or acidic substances. We are actually consuming “chemistry meal” when we use polystyrene as food container.
Many of us are aware that polystyrene is toxic to human, yet we still tolerate it day after day. Can't we just stop using the polystyrene without waiting for government to ban it? Do we have to blindly accept anything provided by hawkers or buffet caterers?  Why don’t we make some changes?
Bring your own cutlery, why not? --- Bring your own food container when take away food from restaurants; Bring your own cutlery when attend parties or feasts. With the same napkin you use to wipe your mouth, wipe away the grease on your cutlery before you bring them back to wash.  If we bring our cutlery, we can reduce half of the waste! Use the leftover food to make compost or bring it back as dinner for your pets! 0% waste
* Note:
​Heat resistance degrees indicated on plastic products simply means the product will not be deformed under certain temperature, but it doesn't mean that no plasticizers or chemical toxins will be leaching.
Bring Your Own Bag – It's Easy
Not all plastic products should be banned, but some with their “environmental cost” is much higher than their usage value, plastic bag is one of those.
In 2002, Bangladesh began to ban all plastic bags after they discovered plastic bags are the major cause of deadly flooding in 1988 and 1998. Republic of Ireland started to introduce “plastic bag tax” or “Plastax” in year 2002, resulted in a 94% drop in consumption, and plastic waste has been dramatically reduced. In Ireland, carrying a plastic bag has soon become a nuisance like wearing a fur coat or do not clean the pet's feces, it's unacceptable socially.
The “No Plastic Day” regulation implemented by local government encourages people to bring their own shopping bag. However, merchants distribute excessive “eco-friendly bags” to advertise and to attract customer, or customers keep accept “eco-friendly bags” without using it, this is also considered to be a waste in disguise. In fact, the material of your own shopping bags, be it cotton, non-woven, linen, paper or even plastic is not an issue as long as we “reuse” the bags over and over again.
We can save around 2 billion plastic bags annually if every family in Malaysia consumes lesser plastic bag every day. “Many a little makes a mickle” can lead to a considerable effect.
Small Acts, Big Impacts --- ‘Treasure our resources’ and ‘reduce waste’ are actually ‘grand’ acts.

*Main references and sources:   1.  <Plastic> -- Susan Freinkel;   2. Insight Sabah;   3. <Bottlemania> -- Elizabeth Royte;    4. Tapped (movie)

塑胶: 丢弃式主角, 永久性污染

我们买个不停、丢个不停,却没发现自己的健康和生活环境,就在这个过程中被彻底糟蹋。~ 摘自《东西的故事》
我们丢弃东西是如此的自然,几乎已变成反射动作;可是你知不知道:从前,人们是不习惯丢弃东西的 ?二次世界大战后,商家为了促销塑胶产品,想尽办法“教导”民众如何“用过即丢”…… 如今,大约50%塑胶原料是用来制造“丢弃式”用品。
每天有无数塑胶产品被制造和丢弃。塑胶“轻盈、强韧、 耐用”的特性,使它们在丢弃后,变成一项灾难……
海洋是地球蓝色心脏、重要生物棲息地。每年估计有725,700,000 公斤塑胶垃圾流进海洋!日积月累,将海洋酿成一锅“塑胶浓汤”。日本研究人员发现塑胶碎片具海绵效应,会吸收海洋中的化学毒物,例如PCBBPA。塑胶碎片被小鱼吃掉,小鱼被大鱼吃掉…… 海洋中的塑胶垃圾,透过食物链,最后是否又回到餐桌上?
大部份塑胶垃圾最终“归宿”是垃圾掩埋场、河流海洋;从繁华都市到偏僻乡村,到处留下“浪费”和“污染”证据。 2012年,东马巴甘奴第一、第二及第三垃圾填埋场,垃圾量已饱和,兴建的第四掩埋场,耗资24,000,000令吉。大马政府拟耗巨资建几座大焚化炉以焚烧垃圾,我们愿意承受比现在更“毒”的空气素质吗?
让我们重新审视那些我们早已视为理所当然、却在生产及使用过程中破坏地球的便利品,到底有多少必要性?~ 李伟文 (台湾荒野保护协会)  
自备水瓶 -- 应该的
我希望我可以说得婉转一点,但我实在不得不坦白直说:“ 请别喝瓶装水!”
大部份瓶装水公司都不愿透露其瓶装水来源、处理方式和纯净度,或含糊带过。瓶装水标签常印上 “大自然”名称和图像,企图让消费者以为他们的水来自纯净山泉。其实,将近一半品牌只是普通自来水,而消费者却用比家中自来水贵2000多倍的价格来购买。
国际企业责任组织(Corporate Accountability International, CAI)认为瓶装水是一种“企业滥用行为”的商品,将原本属于公众的水资源占为己有。有些瓶装水企业去到别人土地,强硬抽取当地的地下水来装瓶,售卖给无知消费者;牟暴利之余,也使地下水干凅、破坏湖河生态与农业。
* 注:办公室常见的大桶装饮水机,其实也是瓶装水的一种,可改用那种接自来水的饮水机。
自备餐具 有何不可
保丽龙餐具有2种:发泡型(丢弃式碗盘杯、打包饭盒,固体型(丢弃式匙叉、外卖咖啡杯盖、某些优酪乳和人造奶油容器)。保丽龙里的“苯乙烯”是致癌物,会引起基因病变、影响生殖系统、破坏胎儿成长…… 苯乙烯会释出到食物里,特别是受热、接触油或酸性物质时;用保丽龙装食物,等于是吃下加料“化学餐”。
自备餐具,Why not-- 到餐馆打包时拎个餐盒去;参加大型餐会时,自备不锈钢盘和匙筷,吃完后,擦嘴纸巾顺便用来擦掉餐具油渍,再拿回去洗。如果我们都自备餐具,垃圾量马上减掉一大半!剩下骨头和食物残余,可以做成堆肥,或打包回去当狗儿晚餐,清洁溜溜!0%垃圾!
* 塑胶产品的“耐热度”,是指该产品在某温度以内不会变形,但这不代表说没有塑化剂或化学毒素释放出来。
自备袋子 -- 不难
小小举动,影响深远 -- 珍惜资源和减少垃圾 ,其实不是“湿碎”的事,而是很“伟大”的事。

《塑胶》- 苏珊.弗兰克 著,达娃、谢维玲 译    Insight Sabah     《别喝瓶装水》- 伊莉莎白.罗缇 著,褚耐安 译    Tapped(影片)

Monday, 1 July 2013

Do You Keep Both of Them?

If you were the mayor of a city and your city is facing the dilemma of water scarcity, how would you solve the problem?

Would you drill the land for wells to extract the underground water until the water is drying out and the land is subsiding? Or would you spend tons of money and large amount of electricity to desalinize the sea water? Would you take great pains to use pipes hundreds of miles long to transfer water from the South to the North? Or would you employ high salary scientists to study for the water making techniques?
Actually, there is a simple and sustainable solution that – is – falling – down – from – the – sky.
Keeping the Rainwater
Rainwater is the most ignored water resource in our daily life. Every time when it rains, the rainwater comes and goes hastily, no one cares or pays attention to it.
When the rain comes down, the tough and unyielding concrete and asphalt would not let it enters the soil. As a result of this, rainwater is either causing flood or running straight to the ocean and becomes salty water. When most of the rainwater runs straight to the ocean, while the underground water is being overly extracted, as a result, not only the land becomes more and more dry and its surface weight is reduced, the sea level is rising up and the sea bed is bearing increased weight, this may cause changes in crustal structure, thus triggering earthquakes or tsunami like the 2004 ones. Besides, when rainwater falls on the impermeable road, it carries along many contaminants to the lakes, rivers and oceans.
Therefore, we ought to “cherish”, “keep” and “use” the rainwater. When the rainwater has chance to enter the soil, not only it can go through the natural filtering and cleansing process, it can also recharge the underground water. Actually, rainwater is a type of soft water, which is better for the plants than the faucet water. Moreover, using the clean faucet water that has gone through a complex process of “filtering/disinfecting/treatment” to water the plants and flush the toilet? It does not seem to make sense!
Rainwater “Piggy Bank”
Taiwan has abundant of rainfall, but globally it is also the country that ranked 18th in terms of water scarcity. This is because the population is increasing while the rainwater is running off. Now Taiwan begins to actively implementing “keeping the rainwater”; households and communities set up simple and useful Rainwater “Piggy Bank”, saving drops of rainwater.
Even the apartment without yard can also set up Rainwater “Piggy Bank” on the balcony or roof top. Rainwater “Piggy Bank” is the beautiful name for “Rain Barrel”, its material is not limited to plastic barrel, it can also be a stainless steel container, bricks masonry tank, etc.. Through simple piping construction, the rainwater falls on the roof is led to the Rainwater “Piggy Bank”, and just turn on the faucet at the container when need to use water.
Other than the Rainwater “Piggy Bank”, there are many more creative ways to collect rainwater, such as: “Rain Garden”, “Green Roof” and “Pervious Concrete” or “Permeable Pavement”, etc.. “Rain Garden” gathers rainwater from the surrounding and keeps the rainwater like a shallow bowl; it requires less watering and thus it is more water conserved and nicer looking than the grassy field. “Green Roof” is the roof top of a building that is planting Sedum type of short plants; it absorbs the rainwater like a sponge and reduces the CO2 and “Heat Island Effect” in the cities. “Pervious Concrete” replaces the hard asphalts with pavement that is consisting primarily of gravels and secondary of cement, which allows the instant infiltration of the rainwater.
Rainwater Collecting Ditches
Is there any hope for those areas that are having very little rain?
Hiware Bazar at the west part of India is called the “Miracle Water Village”. The preconditions of “Miracle Water Village” are not better than those surrounded villages. Just like other villages, it has scanty rain; but while other villages are as dry & desolate as the deserts, the “Miracle Water Village” has greeneries everywhere and has abundant of crops -- Why?
The answer is: The residents at “Miracle Water Village” work hand in hand to capture the rainwater and to use water wisely.
Miracle Water Villageused to suffer from draught just like other villages. Then a wise leader from the village led the villagers to dig many contour rainwater collecting “ditches” and “basins”, and started to plant trees. Every time when it rains, the ditches and basins catch the scarce rainwater, so that it can infiltrate the ground, and the roots of trees can prevent mud-sliding. Gradually, the land is turning from barren to fertile……     
Keeping the Precious things
Just like the rainwater, we often ignore many precious things in life.
There was a scene in the book of John: In the middle of a hot day, a Samaritan woman went to a well to draw water. She met Jesus, and they started a conversation……
The Samaritan woman chose the hottest time in a day to draw water when there was nobody there, may be she wanted to stay away from those town people who talked behind her, as she had changed one partner after another. Jesus who was being understanding and discerning, knew that she was actually seeking for the true meaning of life, love and satisfaction, but she was lost in the midst of this……
That woman stood in front of Jesus, not knowing that she was facing the one true God of the whole universe who can quench the thirst in her soul. Only until Jesus revealed his identity to her that she came to her realization. Forgot about her shame, that woman ran excitedly back to the town people to proclaim the good news……
This was what Jesus had told that woman, and at the same time also an invitation to each of us, “Everyone who drinks this (well) water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the (living) water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
“The wonder at the basketball field”, Jeremy Lin, also used the example of the Samaritan woman when he shared his testimony at Good TV. He said that in the past when he was still sitting and waiting at the bench, the most desirable thing he wanted was to be able to bring out his talent on the basketball court and to achieve good scores. However, even though now that his dream comes true and he has climbed up to the peak of his life, he felt an Inexplicable void in his heart that nothing in this world could fill up. This thought process have brought Jeremy to a realization that: It is truly only Jesus Christ can bring him the ultimate and eternal satisfaction…..
For the problem of environmental water scarcity, God gives us the rainwater falling down from the sky.
For the need of a thirsty and arid heart, God grants us the living water came down from heaven.
The key is:  Do you keep both of them?
( Chinese version was published in the “Shepherd” section of Nanyang Siang Pau on 2013.9.30 )


其实,有一个简单和永续的解决办法,是 - - - - - - - 的 。
所以,我们要“珍惜”、“留住” 和“使用” 雨水。当雨水有机会进入土地,不但可以经过土壤天然的过滤和洁净,还可以恢复地下水量。其实,雨水是软水的一种,比自来水更适合用来浇灌植物,更何况,把经过一系列复杂的“过滤/消毒/处理”过程的干净自来水,拿来浇花和冲马桶? 好像不太合理喔!
印度西部的 Hiware Bazar 被称为:“奇迹水村庄”。“奇迹水村庄”的先天环境并没有比别人好,它和周围的村庄一样,都是雨量稀少;可是当其他村庄都如沙漠般,一片干旱荒凉,“奇迹水村庄”却是处处青绿、农产丰收---为什么呢?
答案是: “奇迹水村庄”的村民携手同心,把雨水留住,并且有智慧的来用水。
这是耶稣对那妇人所说的,也是对我们每一个人所发出的邀请: “凡喝这(井)水的,还要再渴;人若喝我所赐的(活)水,就永远不渴。我所赐的水要在他里头成为泉源,直涌到永生。”
2013.9.30 刊登于南洋商报“牧羊人”版 )

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Feast of Thousands at Tabgha

A restaurant owner once told me that the customers are usually having “big eyes & small stomach” --- meaning they like to try every dish on the menu, so they order more than they can possibly eat, and leave plenty of food unfinished. When asked if they wish to take away the food, the usual answer is:                                                     “No, no one is going to eat it.”

About 50 percents of food produced worldwide is discarded & wasted – Before food reaches our mouth, it has to go through stages of tests & obstacles: First, there is a “beauty contest” at the farms: Those with appearance that do not conform to customers’ preferences are out. Then those that make the cut then take a long flight and travel thousands of miles to the supermarkets & shops, but then those with small blemishes are overlooked by shoppers and end up in the supermarkets’ garbage bins. The fortunate ones that are bought home do not stay happy for too long, because they are forgotten inside the fridge. Finally, against all odds, some food gets cooked and turned into a delicious meal on the dining table, yet another pile of them are left uneaten……
2000 years ago at Tabgha, on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus gave a feast to thousands of people. What comes to mind when you hear the term “feast of thousands”? Piles of used plates & cups? Massive amount of leftovers? Let’s see how chapter 6 of the book of John recorded this event.
To be more accurate, that was actually a large-scale picnic. A great multitude followed Jesus to Tabgha. Jesus saw that everyone was hungry, and he had compassion on them and wanted to provide them with food. There were about 5,000 men at the scene; add the wives and children, and the crowd was probably at least 10,000-20,000 strong. But this was not a problem at all for Jesus. He picked up the only five loaves of barley bread and two fish, gave thanks, blessed the food, then asked his disciples to distribute the food to the crowd. Amazingly, everyone got his or her portion. It was truly a miracle!
Then came clean-up time. Jesus said to his disciples: “Gather the pieces that are left over, let nothing be wasted.” They gathered the left over and filled 12 baskets with pieces of the five barley loaves left over --- Wow! Jesus is truly a good example: He did not waste food, and He did not create any waste!
In term of the amount of food, Jesus used only five loaves and two fish to feed over 10,000 people. But our modern day banquets are the opposite: We use up food that is enough to feed a whole village for a banquet. Hong Kong, the “Gourmet Capital”, had come to the realization of this bad practice, thus they pioneered by cutting the traditional eight-courses of meal to six courses, well done!
If even Jesus did not feel embarrassed about taking away left over food, why should we? The next time we go out to eat, let’s proudly bring along food containers and take home the leftovers. Moreover, even though Jesus can create food any time he wants, He did not waste a single bit. As the world is facing global warming, scarcity of harvest of crops, and more than 1 billion of people are undergoing starvation, why would we think that we have the right and luxury to waste food?
( Published in Asian Beacon under the title of “Did Jesus waste food?”, Dec-Jan 2012 issue )
( Chinese version was published in the “Shepherd” section of Nanyang Siang Pau, 2012.9.9 )


一位餐厅老板如此告诉我: 顾客们常常是“眼睛大,肚子小--- 意思是说,看到菜单,什么都想吃,就拼命点,可是最后又吃不下,剩一大堆,问他们要不要打包,回答常是:不用了,打包回去没有人吃的--- 这种情景,你应该不陌生。
全世界所生产的粮食,大约有50%是被丢弃和浪费掉的 --- 很多食物在抵达我们的口以前,要经过一关又一关的考验和拦阻: 首先在农场被挑选去超市的“选美比赛”,样子不合“消费者喜爱标准”的就被淘汰掉;入选者千山万水搭飞机到了超市,有点小瑕疵的又被消费者冷落,最后沦落到超市垃圾桶;幸运被买回家的,也没高兴太久,因为被遗忘在冰箱里;而排除万难、被烹煮得香喷喷、出现在餐桌上的,又有一堆是变成剩饭残肴的……
2000年前,在加利利海西北岸的塔布卡 (Tabgha),耶稣办了一场万人宴。一听到“万人宴”,你立刻想到什麽?杯盘狼藉? 一大堆被丢掉的食物?且看约翰福音第六章如何记载这段事迹。
再来,就是善后的工作了。耶稣对门徒说:“把剩下的零碎收拾起来,免得有糟塌的”,他们便将那5个大麦饼的零碎,就是众人吃剩的 ,收拾起来 ,装满了12个篮子 --- 哇噻!耶稣真是我们的好榜样,他不浪费食物,而且没有制造任何垃圾!
在食物的份量方面,耶稣仅用52鱼就喂饱万人,而我们现代的餐宴却相反,用足以喂饱一整村人的食物,来办一场宴席。美食之都 --- 香港已经察觉到这个陋习,而率先把传统的8道菜减到6道菜,赞!
如果连耶稣都不觉得打包剩饭剩菜是一件丢脸的事,我们又何必难为情呢?下次出外用餐时,就大大方方的带着打包容器去,也大大方方的打包吃不完的食物吧。虽然耶稣随时可以变出食物,但他可不浪费一点一滴的食物,在气候暖化、闹粮荒、全球饥饿人口超过10 亿的当下,我们又哪有资格和条件来浪费食物呢?

2012.9.9 刊登于南洋商报副刊之牧羊人版 )
英文翻译版刊登于201212月之Asian Beacon