Saturday, 1 June 2013

Feast of Thousands at Tabgha

A restaurant owner once told me that the customers are usually having “big eyes & small stomach” --- meaning they like to try every dish on the menu, so they order more than they can possibly eat, and leave plenty of food unfinished. When asked if they wish to take away the food, the usual answer is:                                                     “No, no one is going to eat it.”

About 50 percents of food produced worldwide is discarded & wasted – Before food reaches our mouth, it has to go through stages of tests & obstacles: First, there is a “beauty contest” at the farms: Those with appearance that do not conform to customers’ preferences are out. Then those that make the cut then take a long flight and travel thousands of miles to the supermarkets & shops, but then those with small blemishes are overlooked by shoppers and end up in the supermarkets’ garbage bins. The fortunate ones that are bought home do not stay happy for too long, because they are forgotten inside the fridge. Finally, against all odds, some food gets cooked and turned into a delicious meal on the dining table, yet another pile of them are left uneaten……
2000 years ago at Tabgha, on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus gave a feast to thousands of people. What comes to mind when you hear the term “feast of thousands”? Piles of used plates & cups? Massive amount of leftovers? Let’s see how chapter 6 of the book of John recorded this event.
To be more accurate, that was actually a large-scale picnic. A great multitude followed Jesus to Tabgha. Jesus saw that everyone was hungry, and he had compassion on them and wanted to provide them with food. There were about 5,000 men at the scene; add the wives and children, and the crowd was probably at least 10,000-20,000 strong. But this was not a problem at all for Jesus. He picked up the only five loaves of barley bread and two fish, gave thanks, blessed the food, then asked his disciples to distribute the food to the crowd. Amazingly, everyone got his or her portion. It was truly a miracle!
Then came clean-up time. Jesus said to his disciples: “Gather the pieces that are left over, let nothing be wasted.” They gathered the left over and filled 12 baskets with pieces of the five barley loaves left over --- Wow! Jesus is truly a good example: He did not waste food, and He did not create any waste!
In term of the amount of food, Jesus used only five loaves and two fish to feed over 10,000 people. But our modern day banquets are the opposite: We use up food that is enough to feed a whole village for a banquet. Hong Kong, the “Gourmet Capital”, had come to the realization of this bad practice, thus they pioneered by cutting the traditional eight-courses of meal to six courses, well done!
If even Jesus did not feel embarrassed about taking away left over food, why should we? The next time we go out to eat, let’s proudly bring along food containers and take home the leftovers. Moreover, even though Jesus can create food any time he wants, He did not waste a single bit. As the world is facing global warming, scarcity of harvest of crops, and more than 1 billion of people are undergoing starvation, why would we think that we have the right and luxury to waste food?
( Published in Asian Beacon under the title of “Did Jesus waste food?”, Dec-Jan 2012 issue )
( Chinese version was published in the “Shepherd” section of Nanyang Siang Pau, 2012.9.9 )


一位餐厅老板如此告诉我: 顾客们常常是“眼睛大,肚子小--- 意思是说,看到菜单,什么都想吃,就拼命点,可是最后又吃不下,剩一大堆,问他们要不要打包,回答常是:不用了,打包回去没有人吃的--- 这种情景,你应该不陌生。
全世界所生产的粮食,大约有50%是被丢弃和浪费掉的 --- 很多食物在抵达我们的口以前,要经过一关又一关的考验和拦阻: 首先在农场被挑选去超市的“选美比赛”,样子不合“消费者喜爱标准”的就被淘汰掉;入选者千山万水搭飞机到了超市,有点小瑕疵的又被消费者冷落,最后沦落到超市垃圾桶;幸运被买回家的,也没高兴太久,因为被遗忘在冰箱里;而排除万难、被烹煮得香喷喷、出现在餐桌上的,又有一堆是变成剩饭残肴的……
2000年前,在加利利海西北岸的塔布卡 (Tabgha),耶稣办了一场万人宴。一听到“万人宴”,你立刻想到什麽?杯盘狼藉? 一大堆被丢掉的食物?且看约翰福音第六章如何记载这段事迹。
再来,就是善后的工作了。耶稣对门徒说:“把剩下的零碎收拾起来,免得有糟塌的”,他们便将那5个大麦饼的零碎,就是众人吃剩的 ,收拾起来 ,装满了12个篮子 --- 哇噻!耶稣真是我们的好榜样,他不浪费食物,而且没有制造任何垃圾!
在食物的份量方面,耶稣仅用52鱼就喂饱万人,而我们现代的餐宴却相反,用足以喂饱一整村人的食物,来办一场宴席。美食之都 --- 香港已经察觉到这个陋习,而率先把传统的8道菜减到6道菜,赞!
如果连耶稣都不觉得打包剩饭剩菜是一件丢脸的事,我们又何必难为情呢?下次出外用餐时,就大大方方的带着打包容器去,也大大方方的打包吃不完的食物吧。虽然耶稣随时可以变出食物,但他可不浪费一点一滴的食物,在气候暖化、闹粮荒、全球饥饿人口超过10 亿的当下,我们又哪有资格和条件来浪费食物呢?

2012.9.9 刊登于南洋商报副刊之牧羊人版 )
英文翻译版刊登于201212月之Asian Beacon